
Security is crucial for ensuring the reliability and availability of information within any organization. Often considered an afterthought during development, it requires attention throughout the entire process. With numerous tools and services available, finding the right approach to security can seem daunting. However, understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all solution is essential. Each organization must address unique requirements and regulatory or compliance-related goals.


We bring a wealth of knowledge and innovative solutions to integrate security controls into your ecosystem effectively.


Secure Software Development Lifecycle (Secure SDLC)


Integrating security into the Software Development Lifecycle (Secure SDLC), also known as DevSecOps, involves embedding controls throughout agile methodology development, integration, and deployment processes. This ensures high-quality code from the initial stages in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) through to post-deployment operations.


Modernization and Legacy Systems


Supporting legacy systems, especially those nearing end-of-service (EOS) or end-of-life (EOL), is a critical component of a robust security program. We have extensive experience in planning and implementing seamless migrations for legacy systems.


Quality Assurance (QA)


Identifying and resolving issues early in the Secure SDLC is crucial. Consistent detection of flaws and bugs can prevent breaches. Alongside knowing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), simulated fuzzing and input validation can reveal weaknesses and poor exception handling.


Securing Deployments


Securing the environment for your deployments, including networks, containers, hosts, hypervisors, load balancers, and proxies, is vital. Our experience spans commercial, air-gapped, and highly regulated environments, ensuring compliance and continuous operation.


Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)


Adopting an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) approach with tools like Terraform and Terragrunt is essential for building hybrid, cloud, and on-premise environments. This method simplifies complex patterns by reusing secure baselines through code reviews and modules.


Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)


Implementing Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) involves creating a security model where trust is never assumed, and verification is continuous. Integrating identity lifecycle management enhances this approach, ensuring comprehensive enterprise IT security.


Cross-Domain Solutions (CDS)


Transferring sensitive information between networks requires secure Cross-Domain Solutions (CDS). Implementations can vary from software to hardware, including unidirectional networking (data diodes) to enforce one-way data transfer. Proper architecture and security of CDS solutions are critical.


Chaos Engineering


Designing fault-tolerant, highly available, and disaster-resistant systems involves proactive planning and testing. Chaos engineering, including tabletop exercises and disaster recovery plans, prepares organizations for real-world disruptions.


Container Orchestration


The rise of containerization has shifted operational responsibilities to developers, creating a need for robust container security. This includes managing network constructs, secrets, and access controls while staying ahead of security trends.


Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)


CI/CD pipelines are central to modern development but can also pose significant security risks. Ensuring secure orchestration and communication within the CI/CD infrastructure is paramount.


Airgap Support


We have expertise in securely transferring data across air-gapped environments using technologies like AWS Diode and tools like Zarf.


Cybersecurity Strategy


Developing a cybersecurity strategy involves understanding an organization’s goals and critical information systems, navigating regulatory requirements, and building a sane control set. Continuous monitoring and policy-as-code engines ensure ongoing compliance and transparency.


Penetration Testing and Incident Response


Regular penetration testing identifies potential vulnerabilities, while a strong incident response capability ensures rapid data correlation and incident resolution. Building systems with inherent observability and instrumentation aids in effective incident management.

Comprehensive security services encompass a multifaceted discipline requiring a tailored approach. By integrating secure practices throughout the development lifecycle, modernizing legacy systems, and adopting advanced security architectures, organizations can safeguard their information systems and support their mission effectively.